What are waist beads?

Waist beads is an accessory made of beads strung on a thread and worn around the waist. It is traditionally tied to the body to be worn constantly over a few years and the only way to take them off is to cut them off never to be worn again. However, we now have the option to wear waist beads made with clasp, to be removed and worn again as desired. We also offer adjustable waist beads and all 3 options are available for every design.  


What are the origins of waist beads?

The history of waist beads dates back to the 15th century in Ancient Egypt where they were known as girdles. Paintings on the walls of tombs and pyramids often show girls wearing them around their hips. Waist beads are worn in multiple countries across Africa but they are most popular in West African countries such as Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire. Today, they are also apart of afro descendants' cultures in the Caribbean and in America. 


What is the meaning of waist beads?

Waist beads can represent different things depending on the culture of the people you ask. They are generally seen as a symbol of femininity, beauty, maturity, status, sensuality & sexuality. They may also have spiritual symbolic; it all depends on the intentions of the wearer. 


What is the purpose of waist beads?

Waist beads are abundantly versatile in their purposes. Traditional uses vary depending on the culture and might oppose another culture’s interpretation. Their purpose is evolving as modern young women are finding new ways to use their waist beads. 

  • Waist beads would be tied on children to observe their growth.  

  • They were given as a sign of maturity during rites of passage into womanhood. 

  • Some people believe that if you wear waist beads for a long period of time it will give you a nice shape. 

  • They can also be used to track weight gain or weight loss as the waist beads will go up if you are gaining weight or roll down if you are losing weight.  

  • Women would use them to hold menstrual cloth. 

  • They could indicate that a woman is unmarried. 

  • In some cultures, waist beads are only meant to be seen by the husband because they are like lingerie. They are hidden from the public because seeing a woman’s waist beads would be like seeing her naked body. In those cultures, if you show your beads people will assume that you are selling yourself. 

  • They can be used for seduction and your partner may like to play with them during intimacy.  

  • In Central African’s cultures, women wear multiple waist beads to accentuate their movement while dancing during festivities and for that purpose they are meant to be seen.  

  • Waist beads are a great addition to your healing journey to reconnect with your body, strengthen your relationship with yourself, increase confidence and self-love.  

  • They can also be used to bring awareness to your presence by making you feel the movements of your body and helping you stay in the present moment. 

  • Waist beads can be used for spiritual purposes if you set intention, pray over them or incorporate them in your practice. They can be tools for healing, protection, growth and/or manifestation. 

  • In some cultures, the waist beads represent different qualities depending on the color.  

  • It is also acceptable to wear them as fashion accessories. 

  • If you have clasp waist beads, they can serve as necklace, bracelet or anklet when you are not wearing them around your waist. 


Who can wear waist beads?

Since waist beads are a part of so many cultures and are used for multiple purposes, wearing them is not a closed practice. Anyone no matter their ethnicity can wear them. It’s always preferable to learn about the culture first and it also shows that you value it and respect it. 

How to tie on waist beads?
Tutorial below for visual instructions 

Before starting, pull the gold beads at the end of the string to unravel the temporary knot.
Place the waist beads around your waist, if needed remove excess beads & make sure the waist beads fits how you want them to.
While making sure that there is no gaps between the beads tie 3 to 4 knots.
Cut & burn the excess string to secure the knot.
